Sunday 7 February 2016

5 Ways to Save Money to Travel

1. Start a savings account
When I first started saving up to travel I had a bad job and could hardly afford my rent and other expenses every month. I started a savings account specifically for travel, and set it up so $50 from every paycheck went straight in. That’s just a small amount of money, but it is surprising how quickly it adds up! You can deposit whatever amount works best for you and watch it grow! Before you know it you’ll have a nice chunk of money set aside for travel.

2. Sell, sell, sell!
Sell items you don’t need anymore! You can make some easy cash by selling stuff on Craigslist or Facebook buy and sell groups. I’ve sold furniture and bags that I never use and were in good condition.

3. Pack your lunch
Bring tea/coffee/lunch from home rather than always buying out during the work week! A latte everyday plus a snack can be really pricey. You can save so much money by making your lunches and coffee at home to bring to work. Also it bugs me how it costs around $2.50 to get tea from a cafĂ©, but you could buy a whole box of tea bags for around that price…

4. Cut down on shopping
When shopping, it is important to ask yourself if the item is really worth it. Check the price tag and consider whether or not you actually need it. A $50 t-shirt could be 3 nice meals while you’re on vacation. A $300 jacket could be a weekend getaway. Which would you rather have? You need to ask yourself which one is more important. It is really easy to save money by cutting back on non-essential purchases.

5. Free activities
Find free activities to do rather than pricey dinners and nights out! Go for coffee with your friends rather than dinner and drinks, or have your friends over for a girls’ night. In the winter I love to do potlucks with my friends, and it is so much fun chatting and watching movies. You could also try snowshoeing! And then in the summer there is always tons of free concerts, festivals, and outdoor movies to check out. Or you can go for walks, have picnics, and hang out at the beach. You shouldn’t have to spend a lot of money just to catch up with your friends!

I hope these ideas are useful! Do you have any tips to share?


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