Sunday 3 January 2016

New Year’s Resolutions | 2016

I had an amazing and very restful holiday season, but now it’s time to get back to my regular routine unfortunately! I want 2016 to be a productive year, so I have decided to share some of my blog/writing/travel related new year’s resolutions!

1. Post on my blog no less than twice a week.
2. Learn basic Spanish.
3. Complete the first draft of my novel (or at least make a big effort to write).
4. Have an article published.
5. Go on an adventure twice a month!

I think these are all attainable goals and will keep me on track. This year I would really like to focus on writing, creativity, and making the most of my life! Please share any tips you have. I will keep you updated on my progress throughout the year. I’m excited and hope 2016 will be the best year yet!

What are some of your resolutions for 2016?


1 comment

  1. I love all your resolutions and I'm really excited to read your posts and see the adventures you'll go on! I find making my resolutions visible everyday helps me stay on track. For example I've been keeping a planner and I've been writing down what I want to accomplish each week and it really helps to keep in fresh in my mind! And if I don't accomplish it that week, I'll rewrite it for the following week so it doesn't get pushed back and forgotten!


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